The Best Program to Promote Literacy and Love
What can help our children learn to read AND develop a stronger bond between parent and child? Reading together when children are young....

How to Take the Plunge to Homeschool
Some parents feel a little concerned about their children's education, but they aren't sure if homeschool is the best fit. In this...

How to Keep Your Kids Learning This Summer
Summertime is a great time to have fun and enjoy time with your kids, but at the same time, kids can forget some of the things they have...

Teacher Series: The Best Techniques to Learn to Teach Better
When teachers understand the "why" behind what they are teaching, they can teach it to students in a way that works, helping them to...

How to Prepare Your Child for Life After High School
When Stephanie graduated high school she struggled with comparison because she felt like all of her friends knew what they were going to...

How to Start an Amazing In-home Preschool
Thinking of starting your own in-home preschool? In this episode, Chanelle shares her experiences setting up and running an in-home...

How to Start Saving for Your Child's Education
Saving for a college education can be a daunting task. Abby Chao, cofounder of College Backer has great ideas on how to start and how to...

Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters
When kids won't eat, parents get desperate. Jacky knows this because as a child, she was a very picky eater! Adults in her life were...

Why Reading to Children is Vital- No Matter Where They Are
Judith Dullnig is the creator of Women's Storybook Project. This nonprofit organization connects incarcerated mothers with their children...

The Book Series That Will Help Your Child Manage Big Emotions
Jenny was inspired to write a book series to help children manage their emotions after adopting two children who had suffered trauma in...