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Why Reading to Children is Vital- No Matter Where They Are

Judith Dullnig is the creator of Women's Storybook Project. This nonprofit organization connects incarcerated mothers with their children through books. Listen and learn how you can help, and why it is so important that a child hear her mothers voice reading her books.

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Women's Storybook Project

Judith Dullnig is the creator of Women’s storybook Project, which is a nonprofit organization that connects children with their incarcerated moms through the joy of literature.

Volunteers travel to the female prisons in TX. They record a mother while she reads to her child. It encourages interest in reading and literature and the child gets to hear the moms voice. The book and the recording are sent in the mail to the child.

The Idea Was Born

Judith was visiting friends out of state and they were sharing their outreach programs. Her friends were involved in a similar program. It tugged at Judith’s heart and she decided to bring it back to Texas. She was able to get connected and start the program.

The moms have to earn the right to participate. They have to have 90 days good behavior. This makes sure that the moms are motivated. They know that this mother wants to connect with her child. The moms want to be there.

They ask the children for letters. They ask them to let them know how important it is to them.

Here are a couple of letters:

Dear whoever gets this letter, please let my mom Gina keep recording the books on tape. One more thing, I love hearing her voice, by Cameron.

I love the books and I want to read more. Thank you for bringing me and my mom close together. When are the next books coming? P.s. I read my books with a CD all the time.

Fulfilling the Need

The number of female inmates is rising. That means that there are more children that need to be reached.

Judith says that she has been exposed to a population that she never gave any thought to. We can help prevent that child from going to prison and break that cycle.

The moms are grateful. Judith loves giving back to the community and helping a segment of the population that is often forgotten.

It helps children with this life skill and to love reading.

The mothers self esteem improves.

Books and Reading

The book selections include children’s classics and chapter books.

Reading, stories, and books are so important. The mothers voice is so powerful.

You can get involved by donating to the nonprofit, Women’s Storybook Project.

Books are sent nationwide.

Visit their website to find more information on volunteering in Texas.

The most important thing is that it is a simple idea with a big impact. It increases the love of learning and connection of family.

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