Tips for Teachers on Managing Stress
On the job stress is familiar to many people, but teachers in particular can face a lot of stress from their daily work. Children require...

Dr. Tiffany Carr on Read With You Presents
Listen to the podcast here. Founded Joy in Teaching About Dr. Tiffany Carr: Teacher for about 16 years, taught in elementary school,...

Teaching in Context
Teaching in Context is an important skill for educators to understand. The idea of teaching in context means that we teach new...

Ryan Woll on Read With You Presents
Listen to the podcast here. Background: Bachelors in business administration Started a cabinet making business Got contractors license...

Raise Confidence when teaching Foreign Language
One thing many students of foreign language struggle with is the ability to comfortably use their foreign language. Students often feel...

Aleksandra Kasztalska on Read With You Presents
Listen to the podcast here. Originally from Poland, first language is Polish, living in the US for about 15 years. Graduated from Purdue...

Things to Consider When Choosing a Charter School
Charter schools vary widely from school to school. Parents often come to a charter school because they are unsatisfied with the public...

Brent Bishop on Read With You Presents
Listen to the podcast here. Brent Bishop is the principal and founder of a charter school. Attended California Baptist University,...