Carol Gary on Read With You Presents

Listen to the podcast here.
Show Notes:
Carol was raised in Arizona
On a career track
Wanted to be the one to raise her kid, stayed home with them
Appreciates school choice
Mother to two kids, age 13 and 15
Did a lot of reading about learning styles- can be labels in a limited way
Learning styles are like love languages
Four learning styles:
Moving: “outside the box,” creative, being involved physically, variety of ways information can be delivered, not organized

Structured: inside the box, concerned about being right, black/white, struggle going in depth, check the boxes, get stuff done, efficient, focused, quality lacks, visual learners, vocabulary driven, time management, likes schedules and routines
Analytical: staring at the box, gets very deep, need to teach our kids balance, what needs to get done, logical, thorough, independent learners
Community: talking to the box, likes engaging in a social way to learn, likes being able to share, thrive better working with someone, motivated by clubs, auditory methods, excellent communicators, weaknesses: promote independent learning methods
Hard to discern until about 3rd grade
Be sensitive, your child has a primary style, but they have secondary styles as well
“Applied it to myself.”